VIDEO: Wild and woolly late wet season rain hammers Port Douglas, parts of Douglas Shire


Michael Warren


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Tourists and locals alike were left scrambling just moments ago after heavy rain blanketed Port Douglas and its surrounds. Video taken just outside the Newsport office off Owen St. Video and picture: Michael Warren

Tourists and locals alike were ducking for cover and seeking refuge indoors just moments ago after good old fashioned late wet season heavy rainfall hammered Port Douglas and parts of the Douglas Shire.

At the time of writing this story, 3.40pm, Friday, March 8, the Port Douglas CBD had experienced extremely heavy rainfall and reasonably high winds for at least 35 minutes.

This afternoon’s wild and woolly weather event follows the heavy rain the Douglas Shire experienced between 12am-4am this morning.

Just a short time ago a number of cars were spotted pulling over near Macrossan St in Port Douglas to wait out the heavy rain, with road visibility down to virtually just five or ten metres.

BOM predicts Port Douglas has at least a 25% chance of receiving 80mm today, with 7-45mm predicted for tomorrow and 9-70mm on Sunday.



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