INSURANCE PAIN: Douglas homeowners stunned by huge premium rises


David Gardiner


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Some insurance policyholders didn’t lodge claims from Cyclone Jasper and its ensuing flood damage, but have also been hit by insurance premium hikes. Pic: File

Douglas Shire residents have been left feeling like they’ve been kicked while they’re down, after receiving their latest home insurance premium renewal notices – some showing huge increases.

On top of more cost of living pressures in the past few months – Newsport understands some insurance policyholders have been hit with annual increases of $1,000 or higher.

Added to power bills which have risen dramatically, higher interest rates, more expensive grocery prices, fuel hikes and council rate rises, it’s no wonder that some homeowners are seriously considering cancelling their insurances.

Some Douglas residents lodged house and related insurance claims as the result of Cyclone Jasper in December. 

For a previous story about claims, the Insurance Council of Australia informed us that around $45-million total in claims were paid in Douglas Shire.

But there are many policyholders who didn’t make claims – yet they have still received increases over the past couple of weeks, in some cases more than 30 per cent.

“Just thought I’d mention that we received from Sure our annual house insurance renewal today and the claims due to Jasper have definitely kicked in - 26% increase on our premium!” one social media user said. 

“Just wondering if anyone else out there has been hit with this yet?”

Others were clearly astounded by the amount of their premium increase:

“It's a shock isn’t it? Mine has gone up a 1000.” 

“Ours just came at $5900.” 

“Ours has doubled.”

“Mine gone up 33% and when I tried changing insurance companies most wouldn’t take me as Mossman is now high risk for flooding,” yet another homeowner lamented.

The anger at the sharp rises was evident.

“And you didn’t even have to make a claim!! What a freaking joke!!! Any excuse to make a buck!!! It should be illegal on their part!!”

Unsurprisingly, there was talk about 

“Start to wonder if it’s even worth having!”

“Mine up $190 pa just for contents never had a claim. Might ditch it.”

It wasn’t all grim though. 

Advice: get quotes from elsewhere

Seeing the details of some homeowners’ rises, others advised them to shop around with other insurance companies.

“It’s probably not just from the cyclone. We were with them last year and it went up $900. I ended up getting several quotes and got a better deal with AAMI.”

“Ours went down by about $100 from last year-RACQ.”

The cause of latest insurance premium rises is likely to be at least partly due to a dramatic overall claims payout bill nationally by insurance companies of $1.2-billion as the result of ‘declared insurance catastrophes’ over summer. 

This included Cyclone Jasper, and other storms which impacted other regions of Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria.


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