Wildlife Habitat transforms old Newsport Print papers into comfort for rescued animals


Jamie Jansen


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Rescued animals find comfort on recycled newspapers within the Wildlife Habitat’s enclosures. Picture: Wildlife Habitat Port Douglas

Ever wondered what happens to our old Newsport Print copies? The answer might surprise you. In a heartwarming initiative towards environmental sustainability and animal welfare, the Wildlife Habitat in Port Douglas has found a creative use for old Newsport Print Papers. 

Once destined for disposal after their two-week circulation in the Shire, the copies will make their way to the Habitat to serve a new purpose: providing comfort to the animals in the habitat’s enclosures.

Utilised within the cages and enclosures where rescued wildlife undergo rehabilitation, these recycled newspapers not only give discarded materials a new lease on life but also fulfil a crucial need within the habitat.

Sybella Salter, Assistant General Manager at the Wildlife Habitat, emphasised, “The old newspapers are in high demand and a great material for our needs. We truly appreciate the Newsport team bringing them to us every fortnight.”

To support this sustainable practice, kindly consider handing over old copies to our distribution team when you meet them during the delivery of our latest edition.

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